curious about how to support her friend with her unexpected pregnancy

When your friend finds out she’s facing an unexpected pregnancy, it can be an overwhelming time filled with a range of emotions—fear, uncertainty, or even excitement. As a friend, your support can be invaluable as she navigates this challenging situation.

Here’s how you can be there for your friend and provide meaningful support during this time.

1. Listen without asserting your own opinion

One of the most important things you can do is listen to your friend. She’s likely confused or scared, and offering a nonjudgmental ear can go a long way.

Avoid jumping to conclusions or offering solutions right away—sometimes all your friend needs is someone to hear her out. Let her express her feelings openly and assure her she doesn’t have to go through this alone.

2. Be there for your friend emotionally

An unexpected pregnancy can bring a whirlwind of emotions. Be patient and empathetic as your friend works through her feelings.

You can validate her feelings and provide reassurance. Even if you don’t fully understand what she’s going through, being emotionally present can provide the comfort and stability she needs.

3. Help her explore her options

If your friend is feeling overwhelmed by her options—whether it’s parenting, adoption, or abortion—offer to help her explore the possibilities. This might include helping her gather information or offering to accompany her to appointments.

While it’s important to be supportive, remember that the decision is ultimately hers. At Dove Medical, we provide a safe, nonjudgmental space where your friend can learn more about her pregnancy options and receive essential pregnancy services. Encourage her to contact us today.

4. Provide practical support

Along with emotional support, practical help can be a big relief. Offer to help with tasks like arranging transportation for medical appointments, finding childcare options, or even helping to organize baby essentials if she decides to parent. Little gestures like preparing a meal or lending a hand with everyday tasks can also be incredibly helpful.

We’re Here for Your Friend

The fact that you’re trying to find ways to support your friend right now will mean the world to her as she navigates this time in her life.

Has your friend had an ultrasound yet? Does she need more information about her options? We’ve got her covered. Encourage her to make a free, confidential appointment with us today.

*Dove Medical offers pregnancy diagnosis, decision coaching, and accurate information about all pregnancy options; however, we do not refer for or perform abortion services, including the abortion pill.