Patient Rights

Respect and Dignity

Each patient has the right to be treated with consideration, respect, and dignity, acknowledging his/her individuality and the values that affect his/her response to care. Patients are treated with kindness, compassion and in a caring manner with honest and open answers.

Patients Served

Patients are served without regard to age, race, income, nationality, religious affiliation, or disability.

Refusal of Services

Dove Medical reserves the right to refuse treatment to any patient.


Each patient can expect that all those involved in care will honor the right to privacy and ensure the privacy and confidentiality of care and medical record.  Patient information is only disclosed as required by law.


Each patient has the right to know the names and professional qualifications of all individuals involved in their care.

Services Provided

Dove Medical offers limited gynecological and obstetrical services, low intensity mental health services and other assistance in accessing community resources. Patients have the right to inquire further about services at Dove Medical.

  • Each patient has the right to accurate information about medical care and pregnancy concerns including benefits and risks related to all pregnancy options. Dove Medical does not perform or refer for medical or surgical abortions; however, post-abortion care and support is available on site.

Each patient has the right to receive information in terms they can understand, regarding evaluation, diagnosis, treatment, prognosis and follow up care.

Participate in Care Decisions

Each patient has the right to participate in the decisions affecting their care in collaboration with Dove Medical, except when such participation is not feasible for medical reasons.

Each patient has the right to request a different clinical personnel based on their preference. Dove Medical will accommodate this whenever possible.

Refuse Treatment

Each patient has the right to accept or refuse medical care or treatment.

Access to a Medical Record

Each patient has the right to inspect and obtain a copy of their personal medical record and to expect a reasonable and timely transfer of information from one physician to another.

Resolution of Patient Complaints

Each patient has the right to expect that Dove Medical will try to resolve all patient complaints without compromising the patient’s future access to care.


Dove Medical is governed by a board of directors and operates in accordance with its Articles of Incorporation, Bylaws, and stated purpose and mission. Medical services are provided in accordance with all applicable laws, and in accordance with pertinent medical standards, under the supervision and direction of a licensed physician or advanced healthcare practitioner.

Patient Responsibilities

Providing Information

Each patient is responsible for providing, to the best of their knowledge, accurate and complete information about their identity, present complaints, past illnesses, medications and other matters relating to their health. Each patient is responsible for reporting perceived risks in their care, and unexpected changes in their condition.

Asking questions

Each patient is responsible for making known whether they clearly comprehend the treatment and follow-up care plan, and what is expected. The patient is responsible to fully participate in decisions involving their own health care and to accept the consequences of these decisions.

Following instructions

Each patient is responsible for following the treatment plan recommended by the Healthcare Professional. The patient should express concerns regarding their inability to comply with a planned course of treatment and in understanding the consequences of any treatment alternatives.

Refusal of Treatment

Each patient is responsible for their own actions if they do not follow the Healthcare Professional instructions.

Respect and Consideration

Each patient is responsible to be considerate of the rights of others; to help control noise and disturbances; to follow the no smoking policy; and to respect all staff, volunteers, and personal property. Each patient is responsible for keeping their appointment.  The patient is required to provide advance notice to cancel or reschedule their appointment.

Questions or Concerns?

We are committed to providing you with a high standard of care. If you have any additional comments, concerns, complaints, or grievances regarding your visit, please contact our CEO at 541-345-3683 using the phrase “patient satisfaction”.

Should you continue to remain concerned, you may contact the Accreditation Association of Ambulatory Health Care (AAAHC) at 847-853-6060.