After Abortion Support

You are unique, and your experience matters. After an abortion, many people report a wide range of emotions. Sometimes it is helpful to have a safe, neutral place to share those thoughts and feelings. We are here to listen! Our Safe Place group offers a non-judgmental, compassionate environment where you can share from the heart. Over time, your emotions may ebb and flow or even change. We welcome you to contact us at 541-345-SAFE (7233) or to join our group.

What Should I Expect If I Attend Safe Place?

Our groups are small, non-intimidating, and facilitated by one of our staff. We meet in a confidential and comfortable environment over a cup of coffee. We respect your time! Group meetings last an hour. You are free to come and go as you like.

How Will I Be Treated?

Our Safe Place Facilitators are committed to:

  • Your Confidentiality: Anything you share during the group will be kept in the group.
  • Honoring Your Story: We all come from different walks of life and have different experiences. Each of us reacts differently to the events of our life. We are committed to respecting all stories shared in the group.
  • Exploring Your Needs And Concerns: Only you know how you are feeling. Safe Place is designed to give you the opportunity to express those feelings without fear of judgement. There are many factors in life that may influence how you feel.

Who Can Join The Group?

Many people’s lives have been touched by abortion in one way or another. It doesn’t matter how recent or distant your experience may be; your voice matters.

How Long Does The Group Last?

We meet once a week for seven weeks. Our discussion lasts an hour. Your needs are important to us. We welcome you to attend as often as you like.

Contact us to make your free and confidential appointment today.

Dove Medical does not offer or refer for abortion services or the abortion pill.