We are excited to begin a new blog and vlog series where our Family Nurse Practitioner, Sarah, will be answering some of the burning questions you have, but may not have felt comfortable asking in health class. Today’s topic is vaginal health!

Did you know that the vagina is a self-cleaning organ?

All women have varying amounts of vaginal discharge that occur “within normal,” but ultimately, the role of the discharge is cleaning: old cells and mucus are sloughing off and cleaning the vaginal canal from menstrual blood, semen, and anything else.

Special products like soaps and douches are not needed (and can even be harmful! They can throw off the pH of the vagina which can make you more susceptible to infection).

So how should you wash?

It is recommended that you wash with warm water daily, and only wash the outer vulva (lips) of the vaginal area. You do NOT need to clean the inside of the vagina. Avoid using scented soaps and gels, as the scents can irritate the area and will only serve as a mask to cover up an actual issue that might be causing odor.

The key to good vaginal hygiene is to make sure your external pubic area (not the vagina itself) remains as dry as possible. Moisture can promote the growth of bacteria.

Additional tips for a healthy vagina:

  • Avoid tight-fitting pants that restrict air circulation in the vaginal area.
  • Wear cotton underwear over synthetic fabric.
    • Cotton is better at absorbing moisture.
  • Change your clothes and underwear after the gym.
  • Don’t wear a thong while exercising.
    • The constant movement will introduce anal bacteria into the vagina and cause infections!
  • Avoid wearing a wet swimsuit all day.
  • Change your underwear twice a day if you have extra discharge to avoid sitting in damp underwear.