Free Lab-Quality Pregnancy Testing

If you think you’re pregnant, you are encouraged to come in for a free, lab-quality, urine pregnancy test. Our pregnancy testing is 99% accurate. Appointments are easy to make and always free and confidential.

How does a pregnancy test work?

A urine pregnancy test detects the presence of hCG which is a hormone associated with pregnancy. A small sample of urine will be collected during your appointment. The test takes a few minutes for our nurse to run, and you will receive your results immediately.

What if I’ve already taken a home pregnancy test?

While home pregnancy tests have become more and more accurate over the years, there is still a chance that the test could provide false results if taken too early or taken incorrectly. Whether your test was positive or negative, we invite you to come in for a free, lab-quality pregnancy test. During your first appointment, you will have the opportunity to meet with a Registered Nurse to discuss your pregnancy concerns and answer questions regarding your next steps.

I’m on birth control; is there still a chance I might be pregnant?

Whether you’re on birth control or used a condom, there is still a chance you could be pregnant. No birth control is 100% effective. If you think you might be pregnant, it is always a good idea to confirm with a lab-quality pregnancy test.

What are my next steps?

You are not alone. Know for sure by scheduling your free and confidential appointment at Dove Medical. We will discuss your results with you right away and provide an opportunity for you to ask questions you may have about your options.  We also offer free ultrasounds as the gold standard for pregnancy verification.

Schedule Free Pregnancy Testing

Contact us today to schedule your appointment!