Facing an unplanned pregnancy without your partner’s support can make you feel alone and overwhelmed. No matter what you’re thinking and feeling right now, it’s important to know that you’re not alone. Resources are available to help you feel supported and encouraged in your pregnancy.
Read on to learn more about these resources. Or, if you want to talk to someone in person about your pregnancy and discover free services and support, contact Dove Medical today to be connected to one of our caring team members. All appointments and resources are free and confidential.
You Have Options for Moving Forward
You’re likely worried and wondering how to move forward without your partner’s support. If you don’t want to terminate your pregnancy through abortion, your other options are parenting and adoption. Both parenting and adoption are achievable, no matter your current situation.
When considering what option is right for you, it can help to explore your answers to the following questions:
- Do I have support from my family or friends? If not, where can I find emotional support in my community? (For example, support groups, professional counselors, spiritual communities, etc.)
- What might each pregnancy option look like in my life?
- Do I know what’s involved with each pregnancy option?
- What questions do I still have?
While these questions can help you start thinking about what choice is best for you, talking to someone about your concerns can also help. At Dove Medical, we offer free Decision Coaching appointments, where we provide the space for you to ask questions and learn more about your options.
Pregnancy Support
No matter your age or economic situation, it’s essential to know that circumstances change. If you have a heart to parent, you can move forward successfully—and resources are available to help.
You’re Not Alone
You’re not alone! We will listen! At Dove Medical, we’re here for you with free pregnancy resources, services, and support to help you feel encouraged and supported now and beyond pregnancy. Contact us today to schedule your free, confidential appointment.
*Dove Medical offers pregnancy diagnosis, decision coaching, and accurate information about all pregnancy options; however, we do not refer for or perform abortion services, including the abortion pill.