It’s Your Choice!

How Do I Know What Is Best For Me?

As you make your decision, you may want to consider the following:

  • Take Control of Your Medical Information

To ensure you make the safest and healthiest choice, it is helpful to learn more about what is going on with your body. Having your pregnancy confirmed and learning how far along you are will help you in making your decision. Schedule your free pregnancy test appointment with us today.

  • Know What to Expect

It is helpful to learn about the different types of abortion procedures and what to expect. With any elective medical procedure, it is important for you to consider your medical needs and be informed of the potential risks and alternatives. Our Registered Nurses and Family Nurse Practitioner are available to talk with you.

  • How Will I Feel In The Future?

When faced with a major decision, sometimes it is difficult to know how you will feel. Patients express a wide range of emotions after having an abortion. You are unique, and your feelings matter. Many people find it helpful to take time to examine what matters most and consider how they might feel about their decision in the future. Our trained Patient Advocates are here to assist you as you evaluate your needs and concerns. We will listen!

We are here for you! Contact us to schedule your free and confidential appointment today.

Dove Medical offers pregnancy diagnosis, decision coaching, and accurate information about all pregnancy options; however we do not offer or refer for abortion services or the abortion pill. All ultrasounds are read by a physician who makes the diagnosis and determines gestational age.