pregnant woman

Finding out you’re unexpectedly pregnant can make it feel like the world has stopped. And the idea of telling your parents is likely only adding to that stress. However, there are steps you can take to make telling your parents feel more manageable.

This article will highlight those steps. If you want a safe space to ask questions and learn more about free resources that are here to help, contact Dove Medical to schedule a confidential appointment.

Learn All You Can About Your Options

Before telling your parents your pregnancy news, it’s important to learn all you can about your options. This will ensure you go into the conversation knowing how you want to move forward and why (and help you not feel pressured into making one decision over another without knowing the facts).

Your pregnancy options include parenting, adoption, or abortion. While thinking through these options can be difficult, asking yourself the following questions can help:

  • Which pregnancy choice am I leaning toward and why?
  • If everything in my life were in order, would I still be leaning toward this option?
  • What might my life look like if I choose parenting? Adoption? Abortion?
  • How might I feel if I choose to parent? Adopt? Abort?

Decide When and Where to Tell Your Parents

Once you’ve learned all you can about your pregnancy options, it’s important to choose the time and place where you’ll tell your parents the news.

When considering the time, you’ll want to pick a day and time when your parents won’t be distracted by work or a busy schedule. This will help ensure they can give you their undivided attention.

When thinking about where to tell them, choosing the place you feel most comfortable will help give you an element of control and ease in the situation. For example, if you prefer to be at home, telling them there might be the right choice.

One critical note about location: if you think your safety might be at risk when telling your parents, choose a public place (and if possible, bring a friend for support).

You’re Not Alone

Telling your parents the news about your pregnancy can feel scary, but you’re not alone in this.

At Dove Medical, we’re here for you. Whether you’re looking for a safe space to discuss your options or you want to learn more about free pregnancy resources, we can assist you. Contact us today to schedule a free, confidential appointment.

This post is for education and information purposes only and does not substitute the advice of a Healthcare Professional.

Dove Medical offers pregnancy diagnosis, decision coaching, and accurate information about all pregnancy options; however, we do not refer for or perform abortion services, including the abortion pill.